Date: December 20 16:30 - 17:30
Teacher: Shoko Kashima
Venue: Eifuku Izumi Chiiki Kumin Center
3 minutes walk from Eihukuchou station of KEIO Line.
3-8-18Izumi Suginami-ku Tokyo
Fee: 2000yen
Reservation :
Please join us!
We are, Contact Improvisation group and Executive Committee of Contact Improvisation Festival Japan.
We have casual CI workshops every month. Open level, please reserve in advance by email or phone.
fee ¥2000
Place : Shimotakaido kumin shuukaijo, Taiikushitu
3-26-1 Shimotakaido Suginami - ku, Tokyo 168-0073
8 minutes walk from Sakurajousui station of Keio line.
13 minutes walk from Eihukuchou station of Inokashira line.
If you reserve on the day, please make a phone call
090-3910-6716 ( Chico )
We have casual CI workshops every month. Open level, please reserve in advance by email or phone.
Teacher : Chico Katsube
fee ¥2000
Place : Kasuya Kumin Center, Tamokuteki hall
4-13-6 Kasuya Setagaya-ku Tokyo
10 minutes walk from Chitosekarasuyama station of Keio line.
If you reserve on the day, please make a phone call
090-3910-6716 ( Chico )
We have casual CI workshops every month. Open level, please reserve in advance by email or phone.